At the heart of our children’s ministry is a time of worship and Bible teaching, which is designed to clearly present to every child their need for the Savior, Jesus Christ. Your children will be encouraged to grow spiritually at all ages by committed loving volunteers, as well as building friendships with other children. Gospel Kids is led by Daria Marandola and co-leader Lisa Jaenicke.
We want you to know that we consider it an honor and privilege to pour into the lives of children each week and we will never take that responsibility lightly. In order to serve as a volunteer you are required to allow us to complete an in-depth background check.
Image Church is approved to process background checks through, a reputable provider of risk management and digital information, to process each person through a National, State and County criminal and registered offender database. Once the background check is completed, the volunteer is then approved for service.
We believe that the teenage years are a vital time for students to grow in their love for God and in the knowledge of His word. And so every Sunday (except the first Sunday of each month), after joining the adults for worship, students meet together for a specially designed youth bible study (except for the first Sunday of each month when students join adults in main service). Each youth meeting begins with personal introductions and a game, followed by Bible study. On the first Sunday of each month the youth group is invited to join the adults in the main service as a part of an intentional plan to integrate our youth into the main service after graduating high school. Our interim youth leader is Michael Chaddick Jr., assisted by Linda Harris and Sara Verschueren.
About our youth leader:
Michael is a brilliant and humorous young man who is especially gifted in relating the word of God to junior high/high school students. He is currently attending community college and working part-time, and is considering pursuing careers in either finance or engineering. He works with his dad Pastor Mike each week on putting together an engaging youth-oriented study of the current church sermon series.
Our women’s group is vital part of our community. As women of God we understand the value of friendships that hold us up in prayer, sharpen our understanding of God’s word and encourage us on to good works. We invite you to join us in our weekly meetings where we grow in our relationships with each other and more importantly with our Lord, Jesus. Together we can make a difference in the lives of our families, our workplaces and our neighborhoods while bringing glory to His name. The women’s study is led by Melissa Evans. We meet on Friday mornings in San Juan Capistrano at 9:30am. Email the church office for more information:
At Image Church we are intentional about equipping our members with the good news of Jesus Christ in order to mobilize that faith in a variety of ways. So in addition to the vital ministries directed toward the health of those within our church community, we also believe it is important to reach out to those outside of our church community as well.
Listed below are the names and websites of independent ministry organizations that Image Church supports through prayer, donations, and volunteers.
Local: Family Outreach Ministries (FAM)
Click here for more info about FAM
Local: Pregnancy Resource Center
Local: Likewise Worship
Global: Hope Filled Hearts 4 Africa
Click here for Hope Filled Hearts 4 Africa
Global: Divine Business Appointments